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Vampire Facial
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Wellness by Design offers The Vampire Facial®, a non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatment that uses the body's own growth factors to promote healthy, youthful-looking skin. It combines microneedling with facial platelet-rich plasma infusion. We use your body's own blood to collect concentrated platelets. These platelets contain growth factors that are infused into the tissue during the microneedling process.


Vampire Facials are a minimally invasive and virtually painless treatment that can provide long-lasting results without the downtime associated with traditional facial rejuvenation procedures.


If you're looking to enhance your skin's natural glow and vitality, contact Wellness by Design today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our Vampire Facial® treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does The Vampire Facial® Treat? Fine lines and wrinkles, uneven skin tone and texture, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, enlarged pores, and dark circles under the eyes.


Does The Vampire Facial® hurt? While it can be mildly uncomfortable, we begin with the use of a strong topical numbing cream that makes the procedure much more pleasant.


How long does The Vampire Facial® take? After the numbing cream takes effect, the procedure takes approximately 45 minutes.


Is there any downtime? You can resume your normal activities immediately and any redness will disappear within a day or two. 

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